24.01.24 | SUSTAINABILITY: MIC’s collective vegetable garden cited as an example


The MIC collective kitchen garden: an example of sustainability and social cohesion according to the State of Fribourg.

Since 2010, the Fribourg Red Cross has been mandated by the Department of Health and Social Affairs (DSAS) to promote health through a balanced diet and regular exercise.

As a result,  « Couleur Jardin » creates shared growing spaces that encourage exchanges and social mixing, while strengthening biodiversity. Thanks to these collective vegetable gardens, local authorities have a multi-purpose tool that promotes contact and cohesion between citizens, physical health, awareness of eating well and respect for nature.

The collective kitchen garden at the Marly Innovation Center (located in the Ancienne Papeterie eco-neighborhood, near Les Moulins) will become the reference and training showcase garden in 2023!

The initiative in detail

Marly Innovation Center

Route de l'Ancienne Papeterie 106
CH-1723 Marly

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